§ 1403. Storm Drainage Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Storm sewers and other related facilities which comprise complete storm drainage system shall be designed and installed in accordance with City standards in each subdivision as necessary to permit the unimpeded flow of natural water courses, to insure the drainage of all low points along the line of roads, and to intercept storm-water runoff along roads. In addition, storm sewers and other related facilities shall be designed not only for the anticipated peak discharge from the property being subdivided, but also for the anticipated run-off that will occur when all other property in the drainage area is fully developed.

    1403.1 Responsibility of Subdivider. The subdivider shall be responsible for installing, at his own expense, all improvements necessary to provide proper drainage for his property and to tie the drainage system of the subdivision into the existing City drainage system. All drainage improvements must be completed and approved by the City Engineer prior to the development of the subdivision.

    1403.2 Abutting Properties. In the design of storm sewers and other related facilities, special consideration shall be given to preventing excess run-off onto adjacent developed or undeveloped land. When a storm drainage outlet will abut another property, the subdivider should secure the approval, in writing, of the adjoining affected owners.

    1403.3 Storm Water Drainage from Roads. A road must be designed so as to provide for the discharge of surface water from its right-of-way. The slope of the crown of a road shall not be less than one-eighth ( 1/8 ) of an inch per foot. Adequate facilities must exist along all roads to properly intercept and carry away storm water drainage.