§ 1402. Sanitary Sewerage Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Based on the results of the feasibility report required in Section 1400, the subdivider shall be required to either install or have installed by the appropriate agency an adequate, approved sanitary sewerage disposal system as follows:

    1402.1 Existing System. Where there is an existing public sanitary sewer system on or near the subdivision, a complete sanitary sewage disposal system must be installed and connected to the existing system.

    1402.2 Planned Public System. Where there is no existing public sanitary sewer system on or near the subdivision, but a public sanitary sewer is to be installed on or near the subdivision within a reasonable time, as determined by the Planning Commission, a complete sanitary sewage collection system must be installed and


    Connected to a community treatment facility until such time as the planned public sanitary sewer system is complete and adequate connection is provided thereto; or


    Capped, and on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems provided, if it is determined that a temporary community treatment facility is not feasible.

    1402.3 Separate Community System. Where there is no existing public sanitary sewer system, a separate community sanitary sewer system and treatment facility are required, if possible. Separate community sewerage facilities must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer, the County Health Officials, and the State Health Officials, and must receive their written approval. Satisfactory provision must be made to insure future maintenance of the separate community system.

    1402.4 On-Site Disposal. Where there is no existing public sanitary sewer system and a community sanitary sewer system and treatment facility are not feasible, on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems shall be installed on individual lots in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer, the County Health Officials, and the State Health Officials. An appropriate County Health Department official must inspect and approve each private on-site disposal system.

    1402.5 Connection Prior to Development. If it is determined by the County Health Officials or the State Health Officials that on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems are not feasible, connections to an approved public or community sanitary sewer system must be made prior to the development of the subdivision.

    1402.6 Sewer Pipe. All sewer mains must be at least eight (8") inches in diameter and all sewer laterals must be at least four (4") inches and stubbed out to the road right-of-way lines. Sanitary sewers shall not be used as storm sewers.