§ 1400. Sewer and Water Facilities Feasibility Report.  

Latest version.
  • The subdivider must submit to the Planning Commission a feasibility report on sewer and water facilities to serve the proposed subdivision. The report should be prepared by a registered professional engineer and shall be submitted to the City Engineer, the County Health Officials, and the State Health Officials for review prior to submission to the Planning Commission. The report, together with the comments of the appropriate agencies, shall accompany and be a part of the preliminary plat application.

    If sewer and water facilities are available and adequate to meet the anticipated needs of the subdivision, the requirement for a feasibility report may be waived, provided however that the proposed water and sewer service arrangements be mutually agreed upon among the subdivider, the City Manager, the appropriate utility agency or agencies, the County Health Officials, and the State Health Officials.

    1400.1 Existing Systems. A report on the feasibility of connecting the subdivision to an existing approved sewerage system and/or an existing approved water supply system shall be made. The study shall include the distances from the subdivision to the nearest public utilities and the capacity of the existing systems to handle the proposed additional loads.

    1400.2 Separate Sewerage System. If connection to an existing sewerage system is not deemed feasible, the feasibility of constructing a separate sewerage system and treatment facility shall be investigated. This study shall give the location of the treatment facility, the receiving stream, the degree of treatment, and the design population.

    1400.3 Separate Water System. If connection to an existing water supply system is not deemed feasible, the possibility of constructing a separate water supply system shall be investigated. The study shall give the location and nature of the water source, the degree of treatment, and the design population.

    1400.4 Priorities. The Planning Commission shall give consideration to the method of waste disposal and water supply in the following order of preference:


    Connection to an approved public sewerage system and an approved public water supply system;


    Connection to an approved public water supply system and an approved private community sewerage system;


    Connection to an approved public sewerage system and individual water supply system; and


    Connection to an approved private community sewerage system and individual water supply system.

    1400.5 Approval of Systems. In the event it proves feasible to either connect to existing systems or construct separate community systems, a formal application must be submitted to the County Health Officials and the State Health Officials. Evidence of the approval of these applications must accompany the feasibility report submitted to the Planning Commission. No construction shall take place on any water and sewer facilities before the proper permits are obtained from the County Health Officials and the State Health Officials.

    1400.6 On-Site Disposal. For reasons of protecting present sources of water supply and safeguarding the health of the public from possible contamination by improper methods of sewage disposal, the Planning Commission will approve on-site, subsurface sewage disposal systems only when the feasibility study indicates the following:


    Justification of the project necessitates consideration of this method;


    The soil absorption is satisfactory; and


    On-site disposal will not endanger ground water supplies below the level of the absorption system.

    1400.7 Percolation Tests. In the event it is necessary to install on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems, soil absorption and water table determination tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the County Health Officials.